Keyword Placement in SEO: Top 5 Exact Places Where Your Focus Keywords & Variations Must Appear
Keywords Are Very Critical in SEO. Many SEO tools will help you with keyword research. But SEO is not just a tool game. Not many tools in this world will help you place your keywords correctly. Because keyword placement requires human intelligence and efforts, not just machine algorithm intelligence. Gladly this article which you are reading now will definitely guide you about keyword placement in SEO.
If you don’t know how to place the keywords strategically on your web page then your SEO strategy might not succeed. I have learned that in many cases the keyword strategy determines whether the website would rank faster or would the site get more traffic or not. Hence Picking the right keywords and placing them strategically in your content or web page is highly important to get fruitful SEO returns.
Let us now get some great insights about how you can strategically do keyword placement in SEO to get better returns.
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